Is Jesus by my side even when I can’t feel it?

As we journey through life, sometimes we feel Jesus’ strong presence at our side. At other times, we don’t feel He is even there at all. Yet, He is. No matter what our senses and our mind tell us, He is. Didn’t He say that He would not leave us nor forsake us?

In the midst of our worst fears, or doubts, or guilt, or whatever else, He is still there, right beside us. He is even closer. He lives in us because when we first believe, we were born again. His Spirit came to live in our spirit. We became joint-heirs with Christ. Isn’t that amazing? Yet, our mind doesn’t always grasp this concept, does it?

Sometimes, we are so overwhelmed by His presence that we can scarcely contain it but at other time, we start looking at ourselves, our failures, our shortcomings and we falter in our assurance. Yet, the Truth is still the Truth. It’s just that we have started looking at it from a wrong angle, a human angle, fed by our human mind and our human feelings. But Jesus is still there in us, holding our hand right beside us, urging us to set our eyes on Him again, to see what the truth about us really is, what our real spiritual standing with Him is.

He knows we can’t change ourselves.

He knows our human nature is faulty but He loves us unconditionally. That’s the reason why He said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He is always there with us, leading us, bearing the load for us, giving us the strength we need. In Jesus’ days, a yoke bound an old bull with a younger one. The aim was that the old bull would lead and show the younger one what to do and where to go. The old bull would also carry most of the load. Sometimes, the young bull wanted to go his own way, but the old one would pull him back to the right path and the right way. So, what has that got to see with us, right? Everything, indeed.

You might know the song “You Say” by Lauren Daigle. She sings this:

I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I’m not enough, every single lie that tells me I will never measure up

And then she switches to God’s position and here is what she sings:

You say I am loved when I can’t feel a thing. You say I am strong when I think I am weak. And you say I am held when I am falling short. And when I don’t belong, Oh You say I am Yours.

Then, she decides to believe what God says of her, rather than what her head is telling her

Oh, I believe what you say of me. I believe.

That is faith, believing what God says of us.

God says we are His, His beloved children. God says that He holds our hand in His. Jesus says that He, too, holds our hand in His at all times. Neither of Them will let go. We are secure in Their love, Their unconditional love.

For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption [because of His sacrifice, resulting in] the forgiveness of our sins [and the cancellation of sins’ penalty]. Colossians 1:13-14 AMP

He paid the price for all our sins and nailed sin to the Cross so that we could belong to God’s family again. It is nothing of us but all of Him. Be sure He is right there holding your hand in His. Call on Him. To Him goes all the glory. Amen.

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