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December 5, 2022
This is an important question as our understanding of it will be the basis of the way we relate to God. A servant is only in the house because of the job he does. If he does a good job, he will stay. If...
December 1, 2022
As we journey through life, sometimes we feel Jesus’ strong presence at our side. At other times, we don’t feel He is even there at all. Yet, He is. No matter what our senses and our mind tell us, He is....
November 26, 2022
If you’ve ever felt angry at someone for what they had done to you, I am pretty sure you are not alone. We have all had encounters with people who have hurt us badly. At first, we can’t believe that...
November 26, 2022
If you would have asked me ten years ago, I would have said no. How could someone who calls himself a Christian do that? How wrong I was? At the time, I was in a very strict Christian church and never...
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